Dumb Phone Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table of all the dumb phones we are featuring on this site.

This is a shortened version — for the extended version (with all the technical details), see the link below.


PhoneCasio g’zOne C781 Ravine 2Samsung Jitterbug5Samsung Convoy 3 U680LG 450LG Xpression C395Samsung SGH A777Samsung U750 Alias 2CAT B100BLU Tank II T193LG Exalt VN360Snapfon ezTWOSamsung R355CSamsung a157LG Extravert 2 VN280BLU Jenny TV 2.8CAT B30ZTE Z432Samsung Intensity II SCH-U460Blackberry KeyOneNokia 3310 3G
Approx. price$90$100$75$60$60$20$70$100$20$75$80$15$80$60$23$60$25$70$300$70
Form factorFlipFlipFlipFlipSlideSlideFlipBarBarFlipBarBarFlipSlideBarBarBarSlideBarBar
Standby time21 days25 days19 days14.5 days10 days12.5 days14 days23 days30 days18 days5 days8.3 days10 days16 days25 days10 days10 days12.5 days81h27 days
Talk time4h40m5h6h30m3h20m2h20m4h30m5h10h16h5h30m5h6h5h6h12h6 h4.5h5h20h (3G)6h30m


Click here to see all technical details of each phone, in one large table. (Warning: This table might not fit on your screen, so you’ll have to do a lot of scrolling around!)